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Beiträge erstellt von andrew12

  1. And your point is what? the bearing on the left is our standard roller bearing

    The bearing on the right is our ceramic bearing and they are certainly not the same. For a start the bearing on the right costs about 20 x more. lol The bearing on the left has a steel ball the bearing on the right has a ceramic ball.

  2. Great news!

    Will they come in different sizes and softness?

    Or 83mm, 81a will be the only available ()?

    Whats the difference now between those and the Gumballs?


    the abecs have very little road resistance, giving increased rolling and acceleration they also have excellent damping, we have them for both 400 and 600 watts. :peace:

  3. Hi, just so you know how we work out the range of our boards. The board is placed on a rolling road a weight of 70 kg is then applied to the deck. The board is then run at full speed until the battery runs flat in tests the All track has run for just over an hour. The test is conducted with a fully charged battery left on overnight charging and after 20 recycles it is tested. So this is without taking into account road friction and hills etc and stop start of the board. Obviously every time you set off from a standing start this uses allot of power.

    Lithium batteries are very very expensive and we try to keep the retail price of our boards as low as possible I think this is fair.:peace:

  4. Hi, lithium batteries are different to normal lead acid they have many protection

    circuits to protect the battery, but they have the advantage of very light weight and more power. If the weather is very hot the boards bms can go into protection mode while it cools down for 5 mins or if you are riding uphill with heavy rider or driving at full speed everywhere, similar to if you drove your car with full throttle everywhere it would overheat. If you you run your battery completely flat remove the fuse from the side of the battery this stops further discharge of the battery. To achieve full battery capacity takes up to 20 charging recycles and leave your board on over night so they battery cells can equal out. :peace:









    dank mal für die schnelle anwort,, ich wiege 90 kilogram... ja ich hab noch vergessen zu schreiben das ein piepsen auch zu hören ist ....der motor hat sich auch etwas heiss angefühlt... akku müsste doch noch voll sein da ich erst 13 kilometer gefahren bin ...
  5. the remote control colour when we launched the range we asked KAI and a couple of other member of the forum what colour they would prefer white or black, they all voted for a black colour ! :D just to be clear though if any customers want to change the colour don't worry it will not effect your warranty. :peace:









    Naja, je nachdem wo man gerade ist, muß man ja heute wohl mit allem rechnen:skep:

    Wenn wir durch einfache Maßnahmen wie der Farbgebung der Controller, für soziale Akzeptanz:D sorgen können, dann sollten wir das wohl auch machen.

    Schwarz müssen sie wirklich nicht sein, das ist wirklich provokant:arf:

  6. Normal ist ja so ein relativer Begriff.

    Was sagt dein Instinkt und was sagt Andrew dazu?


    When you run out of battery power, you just remove the fuse from the side of the battery, this stops the battery discharging further. Even if the board is switched off, the battery will still discharge with the fuse in the side of the battery, so remove this fuse it is positioned in the side of the battery so it can be pulled out easily. :peace:

  7. hi timbergrey go to elektroskate website then go to the chat page so we can tell you how to reset the battery







    Also ich glaub der Akku war gar nicht leer, wenn ich direkt am Akku messe hat der 27 V !! Nur nach dem BMS kommen lediglich 14 V heraus. Scheint als hätte das BMS eine Macke.


    Habs grad noch mal mit überbrücktem BMS ans Board angeschlossen und es läuft. Was meint ihr, soll ich ein Kabel dran löten und einfach mit Überbrückung fahren? Der Regler sollte ja rechtzeitig abschalten und das Laden funktioniert anscheinend ja auch.

    Dennoch ist es seltsam dass das BMS aus 27V 14V macht. Frage mich was da schief läuft.


    LG Timbergrey

  8. Hi Groovy, strange the speed should be at least 20mph with gun controller, maybe you should change your control box circuit board.

    Contact elektroskate through the site. As obviously they are the only ones that can help you and are the experts. For technical info you are advised to ask kai or contact Elektroskate rather than just get guesses from other members of forum.



    Ok, now i have put the jumper to all positions but it gets only slower not faster. I just tested another run, my top speed after 10sec fullthrottel is 24,8kmh.

    maybe this is because of the new pistol-controller, perhaps you checked the speed with the egg controler or a smaller person(me is 75kg).

    i will check soon with another GPS but it doesnt feel like 20mph.

  9. hi groovy yes there is a pick in the remote control, near the battery, you


    pull it out and turn it round. if the other Air riders record there speed


    they will tell you that your speed is not correct :peace:


    contact us through the site if you need any more info cheers




    I pulled the trigger as much as possible, or is there a swich like the mobos have to unlock the 20mph?
  10. Hi what is the voltage of your battery ? do you get a power light on the board ?


    if not it is simply that your battery has locked out, because you have left the fuse in the side of the battery when the board is not in use. With lithium batteries they have a protection circuit once the battery gets below a certain voltage the bms locks the battery, to stop any damage to the battery. When you try to charge it the charger will say it is fully charged this is not the case.

    It is simple to unlock the bms so you can charge the board, but before we send you instructions we need to know your battery voltage.



  11. No we have recorded speed on gps of 21.6 mph for Air board there is no way that it should be that slow. Have you got the pistol turned up to full speed ?












    Hi, also ich besitze das ES AIR400 und kann sagen das in allen Herstellerangaben übertrieben wird, außer beim Gewicht

    natürlich. Meins wiegt 8,9KG stadt 7KG. Könnte aber auch an den Gumballwheels liegen, die sin etwas größer.

    Die Geschwindigkeit liegt bei meinen 75KG bei 6sek vollgas bei 21,2kmh(GPS mit 4 Satteliten) auf gerader, ebener, glatter, Asphalt-straße.

    Angegeben wird jedoch in 3 sek auf 20mph was ca.32 kmh sind. Bei Kindern oder ohne Personenladung haut das vieleicht hin.

    Die Reichweite ist so ne Sache, da es zur Zeit recht kalt ist, glaube ich das sich diese noch steigern lässt.

    Nach frischer Ladung trau ich mich 10km zu fahren(aber mit meistens Volldampf) ohne "Berge", bin aber auch schon mal nach weniger liegen

    geblieben wenn das board zwischen durch ein bis zwei Tage im Keller lag, ohne geladen zu werden.


    Habe das gefühl das alle Hersteller ziemlich übertreiben, könnt ihr das bestätigen? Wie siehts mit euren anderen Boards aus?



  12. thats strange maybe it is to do with the sound track it plays fine here in uk. Kai has a copy of that video ill see if he can upload it.


    the belt pitch of 400 watt is 3M



  13. Hey guys we will be sending kai either the NEW 400 watt Air board or a Es sport 600 watt in the next couple of weeks for him to test to save all this guess work by people who have never even ridden the new models. We have been working hard this year and the electrics are now bullet proof.



    recent trade fair with real skateboarders testing ES AIR


  14. The main difference in ride quality is the wheels and how soft they are, the size of the board makes little difference. If for example you fit hard wheels to a big 600 watt board the ride will be hard, if you fit softer wheels eg like the Gumball wheels to the Air board it will ride as smooth as any 600 watt as long as they have the same wheels. The only difference bigger wheels make is they are better at going over cracks or grids and the decks are longer so you can have a wider feet position. Ride quality is all about the hardness grade of your wheels.

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